Why Trump Grovels so to Putin, I Figured it Out, Now That it is Obvious

I have wondered what Putin has on Trump to get such deference. For a very long time I was deeply puzzled. Until a week or so ago when I realized that John Brennen nailed it a year ago May!

    "Frequently, people who go along a treasonous path do 
     not know they are on a treasonous path until it is too late"

It is as if Brennen knew something.

Recently someone smarter than I pointed out that the Russians likely started cultivating Trump years ago. (That’s part of how they do business.) And when his credit landed in the toilet and no US bank would touch him, their opening got ripe. He needed cash and there were plenty of oligarchs wanting to launder money into the US.

So do the Russians have him for “money laundering”? No, too simple. They laid a treasonous path, and he walked down it. They reeled him in, bit by bit, and as he thinks back, he’s not sure what all they have over him, but he knows they have plenty.

At this point I think Putin keeps his distance, never giving Trump the warm reassurance he craves. Rather, I think Putin takes pleasure in occasionally yanking Trump’s chain, torturing him, making him nervous as hell. Putin has no respect for Trump, but he still likes groveling from anyone, particularly from a US President.


©2018 Kent Borg





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